Our Mission Statement:"Working Together with Families, Staff & Children to Provide an Enabling, Safe and Healthy Environment where Children can Learn, Laugh & Grow with Us" WE WOULD KINDLY ASK ALL PARENTS TO PLEASE TELEPHONE THE NURSERY ON 01206 560695 BY 9AM IF YOUR CHILD WILL NOT BE ATTENDING NURSERY ON THAT DAY. IN ADDITION WE WOULD ASK YOU ALL TO READ AND FAMILARISE YOURSELVES WITH OUR SICKNESS EXCLUSION TIMES ON PAGE 9 THANK YOU Overflow CarparkWe are pleased to announce that Stanway Evangelical Church have said we can use their car park Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 4:30-6:30. Nursery Manager Welcome to our June edition of Monkey News.
What a month May has been, we at the nursery have continued to be busy, with lots of fun and exciting activities and experiences on offer to all of the children within the nursery.
The children have enjoyed exploring the theme of 'The World' and this has been seen throughout a range of activities relating to nature, the world in which they live, animals and plants. The children have enjoyed being outside in the garden exploring the natural world around them, and have especially loved talked about their families and home life. Some of the children have taken an interest in gardening, and enjoyed using the range of equipment to pretend to plant their own flowers and seeds. This has led to the team planning a range of planting activities to allow children the ore and wonder around how seeds and flowers grow and we are all very excited at what is going to grow in our planted area.
The month began by talking about royalty, especially based around the royal family and the places in which they reside. Lots of children enjoyed talking about the different castles and palaces that the royal family live in with lots mentioning that they had seen Buckingham Palace on trips to London. The children enjoyed creating their very own castles and palaces using the range of construction materials on offer to them, and loved talking about who they think would live in their newly built places.
June is going to be a colourful month with part of our monthly theme being 'Colours'. The children will be exploring the range of colours, talking about their favourite colours and also seeing what happens when you mix colours together.
As always if you have any questions, concerns or queries please do not hesitate to get in touch via phone, email or in person.
SUN SAFETY: At Monkey Puzzle your child's safety is paramount to us, and this also includes looking after their skin when the sun is out. We would require you to supply a named bottle of sun cream for your child which will remain at the nursery (Please check the ingredients within the bottles as some do contain traces of nuts) Sun cream will be applied when the UV levels go over 3.
Monkey Puzzle Parents Football Team.
On Thursday 29th February the Monkey Puzzle Parents football team played their first game.
The team has continued to play on a Thursday evening, and is continuing to do Monkey Puzzle proud by winning!!
Good Luck on your next match.
Directors All payments to be received on the 1st of each month or first working day after.(All late payments will result in a £25 late charge) Hello I am Mario and I regularly visit the nursery to meet and see the children. When I am at the nursery I am always supervised by the management team when I am walking around the nursery or with the children. Birthdays We have had lots of birthdays to celebrate in May across the nursery and would again like to wish a massive 'Happy Birthday' to... 01206 560695 Nursery Parent Number:Gianna, Ava-May, Nellie, Albert, Amelia, Enzo, Tommy, Arthur, Jessie, Pippa, Mia, Sienna, Hayden, and James.
Welcome to all new children and parents who join our existing Monkey Puzzle community.
Our Mission Statement:"Working Together with Families, Staff & Children to Provide an Enabling, Safe and Healthy Environment where Children can Learn, Laugh & Grow with Us"
Nursery News:
Pick up and Drop off at MP:
Due to busy times at pick up and drop off please be advised that your child's key person is unable to give you a detailed and lengthy handover. We have informed our staff to keep handovers to around 30 seconds, unless there are forms such as accident / medication / funding to be signed. All information regarding what your child has eaten, how they have slept etc is all on the parentzone app.
Danielle - Baby News:
As many of you may know our deputy manager Danielle went on maternity leave at the beginning of last month.
Danielle gave birth to a beautiful baby girl called Rosa.
Danielle and baby are both well, and the nursery continues to get lots of updates from Danielle on how they are doing.
Danielle has said that she will be popping into the nursery soon so that we can all meet Rosa and obviously get lots of cuddles.
Congratulations Danielle.
Manjit: Regarding any issues / questions regarding occupancy of the nursery, increasing / decreasing your child's days, funding, and finances.
Amy: General nursery matters regarding your child, reporting if your child is sick or not going to be attending Nursery.
Monkey Puzzle Colchester www.monkeypuzzlecolchester.co.uk 2 June 2024 Newsletter
Important Dates for 2024!
Our inset days for 2024 are:
Tuesday 27th August 2024
(Please be advised the nursery will be closed on both inset days)
Preschool Graduation:
Thursday 22nd August 2024
Mealtimes at MPPlease be advised we have set mealtimes at Monkey Puzzle. This is to help build routine and consistency at the nursery. The times are as followed. Breakfast 7:30-8:30AM (last sitting around 8.25ish) AM Snack: 10AM Lunch: 11.30AM PM Snack: 2PM Tea: 3.30PMBasic Care:
At Monkey Puzzle we strive to deliver exceptional care towards all the children within our care with basic care being the top of our agenda.
If you do have any concerns regarding the basic care of your child please do not hesitate to get in contact with the management team who will quickly look into and deal with any issues.
01206 560695 Nursery Parent Number: INFORMATIONWhat will we be learning this month? Dates for your Diary:
Saturday 15th June : King Charles III Birthday
Sunday 16th June : Fathers Day
Monday 17th June : Colchester Zoo Trip (PreSchool)
Wednesday 19th June : Fathers Day BBQ
Monday 24th June : Parents Evening
Tuesday 25th June : Parents Evening
Saturday 29th June : Armed Forces Day
Monthly Theme:Parents Evening:
Our Mission Statement:"Working Together with Families, Staff & Children to Provide an Enabling, Safe and Healthy Environment where Children can Learn, Laugh & Grow with Us"
Parents evening has been arranged for:
Monday 24th June: Starfish / Rainbow Dolphins / Octopus.
Tuesday 25th June: Dolphins / Octopus / Coral Reef.
You should have already received your allocated time for the dates.
Home Learning:
The theme of the month is 'Colours / All About Me'.
For the home learning this month it would be nice if the children could locate and talk about the different colours that they see whilst out and about exploring the community around them.
Colours / All About Me
Monkey Puzzle Colchester www.monkeypuzzlecolchester.co.uk 3 June 2024 NewsletterStaff Birthdays:
Books of the Month:Throughout May we have celebrated lots of staffs birthdays. We at Monkey Puzzle love celebrating a birthday and would like to wish the following another 'Happy Birthday' ... Beda, Megan, Nilakshi, and Dorina.
Pridey searching for colours:
by Vincent Stolk
by David McKee
Jo Jingles will be coming to visit the Starfish this month Our Mission Statement:"Working Together with Families, Staff & Children to Provide an Enabling, Safe and Healthy Environment where Children can Learn, Laugh & Grow with Us" May Recap Starfish
Throughout the month of May in Starfish we have enjoyed exploring a variety of activities and enjoyed developing some wonderful new skills.
The children looked at the topic Land/Sea which really engaged their individual interests as animals are a much loved activity in Starfish. The children explored oats and blue shredded paper creating a lovely land and sea tuff tray, this tray had the animals in the sea and people relaxing on the beach amongst the pebbles.
The children learnt some valuable maths skills concentrating on repeating certain numbers back to us as we count along the pebbles. The children explored land and sea with the colourful scarves and the sea animals, the children enjoyed moving their bodies to the sea related nursery rhymes and picked up the book showing an interest with the pictures inside the book.
The children looked at homes and houses, we focused this more around animal homes as again this is such an easy focus for the children, the children explored the animals in warm bubbly water playing lovely alongside one another engaging using babbling too.
The children explored the wild animals at the zoo, the animals are placed in the grass and the children enjoy identifying the animal sounds particularly shouting ‘roar’ numerous times very loudly.
The children looked at people who helped us, the children went to the doctors surgery and enjoyed using their motor skills and understanding of objects to take one another’s temperatures, give injections and close the door to the surgery when it is full. The children became post men and women for the day using their problem solving skills and independence to post letters and give the letters out to the fellow peers.
Well done Starfish :)
Monkey Puzzle Colchester www.monkeypuzzlecolchester.co.uk 4 June 2024 NewsletterJo Jingles will be coming to visit the Rainbow Dolphins this month Our Mission Statement:"Working Together with Families, Staff & Children to Provide an Enabling, Safe and Healthy Environment where Children can Learn, Laugh & Grow with Us" May Recap Rainbow Dolphins
This month in Rainbow dolphins we have started off by looking and learning about the royal family.
It is the anniversary of the kings coronation and the children enjoyed playing with the royal small world figures and pointing at the different pictures in the royal book. We learnt the word King and Queen.
We also decorated and makes some wonderful sparkly crowns to wear at nursery. Following into this month we have been practicing our building skills, the children have used lots of different resources such as wooden blocks, foam bricks and a magnetic shapes.
We pretended to be builders and wore our hi vis vests and used shaving foam to connect the bricks together. Rainbow dolphins had lots of fun doing this as they absolutely love any messy play we set up in the room.
Our next focus has been learning about the land and the sea. We have had lots of water play and using boats to watch them float in the water, we have also looked at sea animals and have been learning the different names of some of them as well as matching sea life picture games.
Lots of the children are confident at recognising the different farm animals and we have been enjoying some lovely messy farm play activities. This is nice to watch the children's confidence shine making the different animal noises and playing alongside one another.
Monkey Puzzle Colchester www.monkeypuzzlecolchester.co.uk 5 June 2024 NewsletterJo Jingles will be coming to visit the Dolphins this month Our Mission Statement:"Working Together with Families, Staff & Children to Provide an Enabling, Safe and Healthy Environment where Children can Learn, Laugh & Grow with Us" May Recap Dolphins
This month in dolphins we have had many fun activities and topics to focus on, such as creating houses for our farm animals to live in, we have also been discussing and exploring sensory tough tray play and talking about the feelings of each area of the tough tray including shaving foam, leaves and grass, flour and sticks we continued their learning by talking about where we would find sticks and leaves and whether animals live in them.
We have also spoke about transport as lots of our older dolphins have been discussing how they get to nursery in the mornings such as walking, riding our bikes, driving, getting on the bus or train.
We have also made our own hop scotch using our sensory rubber mats on the floor and the bowling pins to count along the way. We have also enjoyed exploring our colourful rice too, scooping and pouring and making marks in the rice too.
Over all dolphins have had a fun month.
Monkey Puzzle Colchester www.monkeypuzzlecolchester.co.uk 6 June 2024 NewsletterThroughout each week the children in Octopus will be taking part in a range of Science, PE and 'Letter and Sounds' activities.
This Month:
Jo Jingles will be coming to visit the children in Octopus.The children in Octopus will be taking part in a Tennis lesson. Our Mission Statement:"Working Together with Families, Staff & Children to Provide an Enabling, Safe and Healthy Environment where Children can Learn, Laugh & Grow with Us" May Recap OctopusThroughout the month of May the children in Octopus have been looking at and exploring the natural world around them. Lots of discussions have been had with the children regarding the local communities and the wider world.
The children have enjoyed talking about and the world around them, and the different countries that make up the world. Lots of discussions have been had regarding what the different countries look like, what animals live in different countries and also talking about the different style of houses and buildings.
Throughout May the children have taken part within lots of activities that has really got them thinking about how things work and what happens when they mix / change items. This has led onto some really lovely discussions about the process in which they are taking, their understanding around the different aspects and the changes that has been made.
Within the Octopus room the children have been continuing to talk about and discuss School. The children have been very excited to talk about what schools they are going to, and continue to learn and discuss key aspects of the schools that they are going to be transitioning to. This is one of the biggest transitions to happen in your child's life and can be both a scary and exciting time for them. The team have been supported and given lots of advice and information to ensure that they are able to support the children both physically and emotionally throughout this time.
As we move into June the children will be looking at and talking about two themes:
Colours: Discussing the different colours, how colours can mix together and of course what our favourite colours are.
'All About Me': This will enable children to have a better understanding around themselves, their abilities, likes and dislikes, and enable them to talk about aspects that make them unique.
Preschool Uniform:
If you would like to purchase a preschool top at a cost of £13 please speak to Manjit.
The polo tops come in two sizes: 3-4yrs / 5-6yrs.
Monkey Puzzle Colchester www.monkeypuzzlecolchester.co.uk 7 June 2024 NewsletterOur Mission Statement:"Working Together with Families, Staff & Children to Provide an Enabling, Safe and Healthy Environment where Children can Learn, Laugh & Grow with Us" Throughout each week the children in Coral Reef will be taking part in a range of Science, PE and 'Letter and Sounds' activities.
This Month:
KidsLingo will be visiting the children to teach them Spanish.
Jo Jingles will be coming to visit the children in Coral Reef.The children in Coral Reef will be taking part in a Tennis lesson. May Recap Coral ReefThroughout May in Coral Reef we have been l learning at different topics and the children enjoyed doing different kind of activities.
First we learned the topic about kings and queens and we made some crowns and decorated with some glitter and some gold papers. This helped children to develop their fine and gross motor skills and helped to develop their hand and eye coordination also helped them to develop their creativity skills too. The children are then able to extend these skills to explore a lovely castle which we have made on the tuff tray and they really enjoyed exploring it very much.
The children loved our shoe lace activity and it could improve their gross motor skills by the activity and develop their hand and eye coordination skills too. They could independently choose their own colour of the shoe on the tray.
To understand the topic of the people who help us we made a lovely bakery station in our class room. The children could explore how the baker works and they could enjoy baking some breads, cookies and some other bakery items with playdough. This helped the children to develop their creativity skill and the hand and eye coordination skill and fine and gross motor skills too.
The children in Coral Reef had some fun activities in numeracy in different ways. They really enjoyed counting spots on ladybugs and match with the numbers. And they engaged with some counting flowers to match with the numbers. These activities helped them to develop their numeracy skills and the communication skills too. During this activity the children could developed an understanding of turn taking skills.
During our topic of the land and see we had a beautiful structure of land and the sea on our tuff tray. The children loved it very much and they helped us to made playdough for this and they colour the sand and the sea in blue and brown paint. This helped them to develop understanding the world, communication and language and the numeracy skills too. They counted seashells, pebbles boats and animals that they could see.
Preschool Uniform:
If you would like to purchase a preschool top at a cost of £13 please speak to Manjit.
The polo tops come in two sizes: 3-4yrs / 5-6yrs.
Monkey Puzzle Colchester www.monkeypuzzlecolchester.co.uk 8 June 2024 NewsletterImportant Notes for Parents Refer a Friend. Refer a friend to the nursery and if they register you will receive £100 off of your next month's fees. (T&C's Apply) We are proud to be rated 10/10 on daynurseries.co.uk and voted as a Top 20 day nursery in the East of England.
Thank you to all of the parents/carers who have already reviewed our nursery!
Like us on Facebook for regular updates on the nursery and a chance to win in our quarterly prize draw.
Monkey Puzzle Colchester www.monkeypuzzlecolchester.co.uk 9 Facebook Day Nurseries June 2024 Newsletter
Monkey Puzzle Colchester
www.monkeypuzzlecolchester.co.uk 10
Chicken Pox
Minimum of 5 days from the onset of the rash and all spots must be fully scabbed over before returning to nursery.
Diarrhoea and/or Vomiting
Whilst symptomatic and for 48 hours after their last bout of sickness or diarrhoea.
Hand, Foot and MouthAll blisters must have dried out before returning to nursery, usually this is after approximately 4-6 days.
HeadliceThere is no recommended exclusion period, however, parents are requested to regularly check their children's hair for head lice and we would be grateful if nursery are informed so that other parents can be alerted to check their child's hair.Impetigo Until the lesions have crusted or healed.
MeaslesExcluded for 4 days from the onset of the rash. Scarlet FeverExcluded from nursery for the first 24 hours after starting treatment.
Whooping CoughExcluded for 2 days after starting treatment, or 21 days from the onset of symptoms if no antibiotics.
Prescribed MedicationChildren must be taking any medication for a minimum of 24 hours before coming in to nursery. Medication can only be administered after the 24 hour exclusion even if your child has previously taken the same medication. All medication must be in its original packaging with the prescription label attached and clearly showing child's name.
Immunisations including Flu nasal spray If your child has had any form of immunisations, including the Flu nasal spray, they are not permitted to attend nursery for the following 24 hours due to possible allergic reactions.
Infant Suspension - CalpolIf a child develops a fever whilst at nursery the staff will use natural methods first, such as removing clothing, to try and reduce the temperature while closely monitoring the child and contacting the parents. If a child does require emergency Calpol due to a high temperature of 38 degrees or above the parents will be contacted prior to ensure all details are correct and that they agree with the dosage being given. Parents will then be required to collect their child.
June 2024 Newsletter